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Cancellation Policy

As soon as we receive your order confirmation, you will be kindly asked to…

As soon as we receive your order confirmation, you will be kindly asked to send us a deposit. The deposits are subject to loss in case of cancellation. We strongly suggest you to obtain insurance, such as travel or wedding insurance. Be sure that it covers international travel. Please contact us for more details about payment methods, deposits, and marriage paperwork requirements. Please also note that requirements vary according to nationality.

Our Contacts
Orange Blossom
Wedding Planner

Sorrento – Italy
Phone 0039 0423-609641
Mobile: +39 338-6193380
Whatsapp: +39 338-6193380
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Orange Blossom Wedding Planner di Rosanna Di Pastena - VAT 04239180260